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Dragon Slayer II - Boss Guide: Vorkath and Galvek

Jul-26-2024 PST

Welcome, foxes, to another Old School Rune Scape (OSRS) guide! Today, we're tackling the infamous bosses of the Dragon Slayer II quest: Vorkath and Galvek. This quest can seem pretty daunting to many players, but with a little patience and practice, you'll have it done in a couple of hours. Let's get started, and remember, you don't need maxed combat stats to succeed. My stats are 78 Defense, 84 Ranged, 71 Prayer, and 85 Hitpoints.

Dragon Slayer II - Boss Guide: Vorkath and Galvek


Inventory and Gear Setup


oSuper Restore

oAnti-venom or two

oBastion potion

oExtended Super Antifire potion

oSlayer staff set to autocast Crumble Undead

oRune pouch with Chaos, Air, and Earth runes for Crumble Undead


oVoid Ranger Helm

oAva's Accumulator

oAmulet of Fury

o500 Ruby Dragon Bolts (e)

oDragon Crossbow

oVoid top and bottom

oDragonfire Shield

oVoid gloves

oRanger Boots

oArcher's Ring (i)


Vorkath has several attacks to be aware of:

1.Regular Attacks:

oMelee: Standard melee attack.

oMagic: Light blue attack.

oRanged: Spiked ball attack.

2.Dragonfire Attacks:

oNormal: Deals damage.

oVenomous: Applies venom if not immune.

oPrayer-Disabling: Disables prayer.

oHigh Damage: Vertical fireball that kills in one hit if standing within one tile, half damage if two tiles away.

3.Special Attacks:

oAcid Pool: Spits acid on the ground, dealing damage and healing Vorkath if walked over.

oZombified Ice Dragonfire: Freezes you and spawns a zombie that explodes upon reaching you.

Boss Fight Strategy

Before entering, pot up with your Bastion potion, Extended Super Antifire, and Anti-venom potion. Climb over into Vorkath's lair, activate Protect from Magic, and set up your quick prayer for magic.

Phase 1: Attack and Avoidance

oAttack Vorkath with your crossbow.

oWhen he sends out a pink fireball, it will turn off your prayer. Toggle your quick prayer back on.

oEat and drink potions as necessary.

oWhen frozen, switch to your Slayer staff and cast Crumble Undead on the zombie. Then switch back to your crossbow.

oDuring the acid pool attack, turn off your run and walk back and forth in a clear spot to avoid damage.

oWhen Vorkath shoots a vertical fireball, move at least two tiles away.

oRepeat these steps until Vorkath is defeated.


Always pay attention to Vorkath's fireball attacks and be ready to move.

Use your quick prayer toggle efficiently to save time and avoid unnecessary damage.

Keep an eye on your venom immunity and reapply Anti-venom if necessary.


Inventory and Gear Setup


oTwo Super Restores

oRanging Potion

oExtended Antifire

oRest filled with Manta Rays


oVoid Ranger Helm

oAva's Accumulator

oAmulet of Fury

o407 Ruby Dragon Bolts (e)

oDragon Crossbow

oVoid top and bottom

oDragonfire Shield

oVoid gloves

oSerpentine Boots

oArcher's Ring (i)


Galvek has four phases, each with unique mechanics:

1.Phase 1: Fire

oAttacks with melee and magic.

oLaunches fire bombs covering a 3x3 radius.

oVertical high-damage fireball.

oTeleports you if not in melee range.

2.Phase 2: Air

oMoves to the western side of the ship.

oLaunches gusts of wind, draining stats and run energy.

oUses ranged and magic attacks.

oVertical high-damage fireball.

3.Phase 3: Water

oMoves to the eastern side of the ship.

oSends tsunamis with gaps to avoid damage.

oVertical high-damage fireball.

4.Phase 4: Earth

oLands in the middle.

oLaunches earth projectiles that freeze you.

oVertical high-damage fireball.

Boss Fight Strategy

Phase 1:

oDrink an Extended Antifire dose and a dose of your Ranging Potion.

oTell Torfinn you want to travel to the fleet.

oActivate Protect from Magic and attack Galvek from either the left or right tile marker.

oMove to the other tile marker when Galvek "sneezes" (preparing to launch fireballs or bombs).

oToggle prayer back on if disabled by the pink fireball.

Phase 2:

oContinue watching for sneezes and move between tile markers.

oIgnore run energy depletion and focus on dodging attacks.

Phase 3:

oTurn run energy back on.

oAvoid unnecessary movements.

oStand on the gap when Galvek shoots water, then run through it.

oWatch for sneezes and combo attacks.

Phase 4:

oStand closer to your army.

oMove to avoid stone attacks and high-damage fireballs.

oRepeat these steps until Galvek is defeated.


Keep an eye on Galvek's attack animations to anticipate and dodge attacks.

Use your special attacks efficiently and focus on maintaining high damage output.

Stay calm and focused, especially during the final phase when Galvek's health is low.


With these strategies, you should be able to defeat Vorkath and Galvek with relative ease. Also you can seek RSgoldfast help, buy the best osrs gold and osrs infernal cape to improve yourself. Remember to stay patient and practice your movements and attack rotations. If you enjoyed this guide, make sure to hit the subscribe button for more content.