OSRS - Complete Ultimate Grotesque Guardians Guide
Oct-13-2023 PSTThe Grotesque Guardians, which is also known as “Gargoyles,” are resistive stone creatures on the Slayer Tower rooftop in OSRS. A player should have a minimum level of 75 and complete the quest of “Making friends with my arm. This pair of stone creatures is compared to Duck and Dawn who serves as the guardian of the entrance to the slayer tower and the distinctive and rewarding boss come across in OSRS.
If we talk about the Grotesque Guardians, they would be acting like a twosome of slayer bosses that would be accessed during a Gargoyle Slayer task or a Grotesque Guardians task. Besides the requirement associated with the task, you would be required to receive a Brittle Key during the last Gargoyle tasks. And the roof should be unlocked with it. Let’s delve into the Article more to extract masterpieces on Grotesque Guardians OSRS Guide.
Stats Recommendation and Other Requirements
Every player in Grotesque Guardians OSRS should possess some certain stats and meet requirements before starting out the great adventure.
Slayer Level: If we talk about the Slayer level then there is a requirement that there must be a slayer level of 75 to make an impression on these stone monsters.
Gear and Stats: It is also possible that you can make your try for Grotesque Guardians with lower stats but a combat style is required to beat the pair. But recommendations are, one should have 80 attacks, Strength, and Defence and a Prayer of 70 for Piety or Rigour.
Challenging the Guardians
If you meet all the essentials and are wonderfully prepared then it's time to make your mark on the Grotesque Guardians. Here’s something fundamental you can face:
a. Dusk and Dawn: There are two phases that are often associated with Grotesque Guardians. If we talk about the dusk phase, it is melee in nature, and on the other hand, Dawn is a ranged kind of phase. Both phases have distinctive abilities and attack styles.
b. Dusk’s Special Attacks: There are two massive attacks offered by Dusk. One is spinning and the other one is Ground Pound. To escape from the attack, you need to move away from the spotted area or you can use a respective prayer potion.
c. Dawn’s Special Attacks: On the other side of the mountain, Dawn has two confronting attacks which are Lightning and Falling Rocks. As a player, you need to pay heed to indicators coming from the ground to nullify these attacks.
Skills and Items to Look out for
If we talk about the Ranged Spot of Fight, you can bring Masori armor but anyone using Armadyl, can also work fine. It is also possible to fight with Karil but efficiency is a massive concern. Recommendations are to use a Toxic blowpipe with amethyst or dragon darts slots for this fight. If we talk about the head slot, the player should wear the imbued slayer helm. On the other hand, for the neck slot, you can utilize an amulet of blood fury to save a spot in some consumables and inventory.
For melee, you can use Torva or Bandos armor with Scythe of Vitur, Ghrazi Rapier, Blade of Saeldor, or Inquisitor’s Mace. Alternatively, an Abyssal tentacle or whip can also work. One can equip Avernic defender, imbued berserker ring, and Rada’s blessing 4 if using the Blowpipe.
Some Standout Strategies
It all comes to your skills, how you battle with Grotesque Guardians and your abilities are equally important to mitigate attacks like melee and Ranged.
And there would be some special attacks that you can’t forget as a player. Here are some fundamental strategies that would be helpful in keeping your hope alive while battling with Grotesque Guardians.
1.Switch Prayers Quickly
You need to switch your prayer swiftly because they would be decisive in protecting Melee and Missiles when Dusk and Dawn’s phase is onboard respectively.
2.Agile Movement
The movement should be as fast as it can be because it would be crucial in avoiding potential attacks. If you remain in one area, there will be some disastrous damage.
3.Maximizing Damage Output
You need to focus on one Guardian at a time because it would increase your damage output. In most successful cases, players start from the Dusk.
4.Mindful for supply
As a player, you must pay attention to your food and prayer portion because there should be something in reserve at the moment of the hour. But at the same time, you don't have a conservative mind; however, wasting them is not required during the battle.
5.Take your time
Patience is the key and giving time in practicing the mechanics is good to hang for a little while during the fight. The more time you give practice, the more success you are likely to get on the battlefield.